Glucagon antidote beta blocker
Glucagon antidote beta blocker

glucagon antidote beta blocker

The patient is lethargic but arousable, and reports he took about 40 tablets of immediate-release metoprolol three hours ago in an attempt to "end it all." The nurses are starting IV lines, checking vitals, and putting the patient on the monitor.

glucagon antidote beta blocker

The patient has a history of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and depression.

glucagon antidote beta blocker

You have just taken sign-out when a nurse comes up to you and says that there is a 64-year-old man in the critical bay who took an overdose of his medications. Weiselberg, MD, North Shore University Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical Toxicology, Manhasset, NY.įrank LoVecchio, DO, Director, Banner Poison Center, Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ. Mark Su, MD, North Shore University Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical Toxicology, Manhasset, NY. An Evidence-based Approach to Beta-Blocker and Calcium Channel Blocker Toxicity

Glucagon antidote beta blocker